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Industries Generating Plastic

Industries Generating Plastic

When you start listing items made of plastic, then food containers, plastic bags, and children’s toys may quickly come to mind. The truth, however, is that there is a fantastic amount of industries that make plastic every day. Health C...

5 Fun Summer Recycling Activities

5 Fun Summer Recycling Activities

Before you hear that your children are bored again, get them involved in a fun summer recycling project. There are many fun options available, but here are some top-notch ideas that you might want to consider. Grow Vegetables Plan...

Recycling While on Vacation

Recycling While on Vacation

Recycling While on Vacation If you are one of the 100 million Americans who are planning a vacation, then do not leave your recycling habit at home. Follow these tips to keep recycling regardless of rather you are headed across the state or...

The Life Cycle of Plastic Recyclables

The Life Cycle of Plastic Recyclables

Many people understand the importance of recycling. They understand that it saves precious natural resources, creates a cleaner environment and helps to protect wildlife. Yet, many do not understand the lifecycle of recyclables. Many companie...

Top Benefits of Recycling

Top Benefits of Recycling

There are many benefits to recycling. The most important one is that you are complying with the law, but even if it was not the law, then you would still want your company involved in recycling efforts. In order to get more of your employees actively r...

The Connection Between Carboard Recycling and Water

The Connection Between Carboard Recycling and Water

The world’s fresh water supply is shrinking at an alarming rate. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, 13 of the 37 major underground aquifers around the world are significantly distressed. Of those 13, eight were found to be se...

Efforts Underway to Stop Plastic Islands from Growing Bigger

Efforts Underway to Stop Plastic Islands from Growing Bigger

Many New Jersey residents love heading to the shore for a nice day on the beach. They enjoy playing in the sand and taking in the ocean breeze. Unfortunately, people around the world are dumping plastic into the oceans. In fact, by 2050, there may be m...

How to host an Office Recycling Challenge at Your Startup

How to host an Office Recycling Challenge at Your Startup

Many CEOs find it frustrating to get employees to buy into their corporate recycling program. Even though the law may insist that they do it, and you encourage it regularly, it may take something else to get employee participation to skyrocket. Holding...

2019: The State of the World’s Forests

2019: The State of the World’s Forests

Paper recycling in New Jersey and other locations continues to make a difference in the number of trees that must be cut down to make paper and other essential items. Yet, enough people are not taking the need for recycling seriously. While some areas ...

Paper Recycling in New Jersey

Paper Recycling in New Jersey

Each year, Americans recycle 43 million tons of paper. Some states like New Jersey require residents and businesses to recycle paper while it is voluntary in many others. Yet, only about 50 percent of all paper used in the United States ends up being r...

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